Grip Sights Trigger WSSA Lewisberry PA 3/22/25 9am-5pm
This will be a pistol skills clinic that is entirely range time. We'll work for 8 hours on the range (with breaks, of course) on fundamental-level pistol skills. We will work on consistency in grip, sight management, and trigger press. A high degree of emphasis will be placed on accuracy and accountability. Dry fire exercises will be used, and live fire will be used as confirmation. You will leave with things to work on and a few tricks to work on them.
Students should have a quality handgun, and at least 3 reloading devices (magazines, speed loaders, moon clips etc). It should have a safe holster and the ability to draw the pistol safely from that holster.
Bring weather-appropriate clothing in case it's nice enough to be outside. Bring personal comfort items and pack a lunch.